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Creating a WMS Time with MapServer
In this recipe, you will implement a WMS Time service with MapServer. For time-
isthewaytogo.Thisispossiblebyprovidingthe TIME parameteratimevalueinthe
WMS requests, typically in the GetMap request.
firedataacquiredbyNASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information Sys-
tem ( EOSDIS ).ThisexcellentsystemprovidesdataderivedfromMODISimagesfrom
the last 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7 days, that can be downloaded in the shapefile,
a WMS Time service with MapServer, and test the WMS GetCapabilities and
GetMap requests using a common browser.
get more information.
Getting ready
1. First, download one week's worth of active fire data (hotspots) from the
EOSDIS website. For example, download the data from ht-
tp:// . A
to use the same SQL and WMS parameters that have been used in the fol-
lowing steps.
2. Extract the shapefile from the archive to the working/
chp09 directory and import this shapefile in PostGIS using the shp2pgsql
command, as follows:
$ shp2pgsql -s 4326 -g the_geom -I
Global_7d.shp chp09.hotspots > hotspots.sql
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