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and then, on the Edit Layer page, click on the Publishing section. Select
Counties classified per size in the Default style drop-down list and then
click on the Save button.
11. Now that your WMS and WFS services for the PostGIS counties layer
are ready, it is time to start using them! First, test the GetCapabilities
WMS request. To do this, you can click on one of the links on the right-
hand side panel on the GeoServer web application home page. You can
click on the link for either WMS Version 1.1.1 or WMS Version 1.3.0. Click
on one of the links or type the GetCapabilities request directly in the
browser as http://localhost:8080/geoserver/
ows?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities .
12. Now, we will investigate the GetCapabilities response, which is shown
as follows. You will find a lot of information about WMS that is available on
counties layer,thefollowingcodeisanextractfromthe GetCapabilit-
ies document.Notethemainlayerinformationsuchasthename,title,ab-
the supported CRS ( Coordinate Reference Systems ), the geographic ex-
tent, and the associated style:
<Layer queryable="1">
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