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Creating WMS and WFS services with
In this recipe, you will see how to create a Web Map Service ( WMS ) and Web
Feature Service ( WFS ) from a PostGIS layer, using the popular MapServer open-
source web-mapping engine.
You will then use the services, testing their exposed requests, using first a browser
as uDig, gvSIG, and OpenJUMP GIS).
Getting ready
Follow these steps beforegetting ready:
1. Create a schema for this chapter within the postgis_cookbook database
using the following command:
postgis_cookbook=# create schema chp09;
2. BesuretohaveApacheHTTP installed (MapServerwillrunonitasaCGI),
and check whether or not it is working by visiting its home page at ht-
tp://localhost (typically, an "It works!" message will be displayed if you
still have not customized any features).
3. InstallMapServerasperitsinstallationguide(
ation/ ).
is to install the OSGeo4W ( ) or MS4W ( ht-
tp:// ) packages.
For Linux, there are packages for almost any kind of distribution.
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