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Chapter 9. PostGIS and the Web
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
• Creating WMS and WFS services with MapServer
• Creating WMS and WFS services with GeoServer
• Creating a WMS Time with MapServer
• Consuming WMS services with OpenLayers
• Consuming WMS services with Leaflet
• Consuming WFS-T services with OpenLayers
• Developing web applications with GeoDjango - part 1
• Developing web applications with GeoDjango - part 2
In this chapter, we will try to give you an overview of how you can use PostGIS to
developpowerfulGISwebapplications,using Open Geospatial Consortium ( OGC )
webstandardssuchas Web Map Service ( WMS )and Web Feature Service ( WFS ).
mappingengines— MapServer and GeoServer .Inbothoftheserecipes,youwillsee
how to implement the WMS and WFS services using PostGIS layers.
In the third recipe, you will implement a WMS Time service using MapServer to ex-
pose time-series data.
useaWMSservicewith OpenLayers ,whileinthefifthrecipe,youwilldothesame
thing using Leaflet .
In the sixth recipe, you will explore the power of transactional WFS to create web-
mapping applications that are able to edit data.
Finally,inthelasttworecipes,youwillunleashthepowerofthepopular Django web
framework,whichisbasedonPython,anditsnice GeoDjango library,andseehow
itispossibletoimplementapowerful CRUD GISwebapplication.Intheseventhre-
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