Database Reference
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How it works...
ogr2ogr using the GDAL OSM driver.
Then, you created a Python class, OSMGeocoder , to provide a very basic support
to the class consumer for geocoding streets names using the OSM data imported
greSQL with the pg_trgm contrib module.
Theclassthatyouhavewrittenismainlycomposedoftwomethods:the __init__
method, where the connection parameters must be passed in order to instantiate
an OSMGeocoder object,andthe geocode method.The geocode methodaccepts
aninputparameter, placename ,andcreatesaconnectiontothePostGISdatabase
base with a name similar to the placename parameter.
Theclasscanbeconsumedbothfromthecommandline,usingthe __name__ ==
'__main__' code block, or from an external Python code. You tried both the ap-
proaches. In the latter, you created another Python script, where you imported the
OSMGeocoder classcombinedwiththeGDAL/OGRPythonbindingstogeneratea
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