Database Reference
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# parameters
geocoder =
# here we query the geocode method,
for getting the geocoded points for the
# given placename
results = geocoder.geocode(placename)
print results
7. Now you can test the class by calling the script as shown:
(postgis-cb-env)$ python
"Via Benedetto Croce"
"dbname=postgis_cookbook user=me
password=mypassword"[('Via Benedetto
Croce', 0.0, 'POINT(12.6999095325807
8. So, now that you wrote a class that can be used to geocode street names,
let's suppose that another user wants to use it to geocode a file with a list
usercoulddothis(trythisaswell).First,createa streets.txt filewitha
list of street names, for example:
Via Delle Sette ChieseVia Benedetto
CroceLungotevere Degli InventoriViale
Marco Polo
Via Cavour
9. Nowcreateafilenamed ,andaddthisPythoncode
in it (you are going to use the OSMGeocoder class to geocode the street
coded points for the street names):
from osmgeocoder import OSMGeocoder
from osgeo import ogr, osr
# here we read the file
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