Database Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Withthe ogrinfo command,checkifthevirtuallayeriscorrectlyrecognized
by GDAL. For example, analyze the schema of the layer and the first of its
features ( fid = 1 ):
$ ogrinfo global_24h.vrt Global_24h -fid 1
INFO: Open of `global_24h.vrt'using
driver `VRT' successful.
Layer name: Global_24h
Geometry: Point
Feature Count: 30326
Extent: (-155.284000, -40.751000) -
(177.457000, 70.404000)
Layer SRS WKT:
GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984",
latitude: String (0.0)
longitude: String (0.0)
frp: String (0.0)
latitude (String) = -23.386
longitude (String) = -46.197
frp (String) = 16.5
POINT (-46.197 -23.386)
4. You can also try to open the virtual layer with a Desktop GIS supporting a
GDAL/OGR virtual driver such as Quantum GIS ( QGIS ). In the following
screenshot, the Global_24h layer is displayed together with the shapefile
of the countries that you can find in the dataset directory of the topic:
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