Database Reference
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How to do it...
The steps you need to follow to complete this recipe are as follows:
1. Analyzethestructureofthe Global_24h.csv CSVfile(inWindows,open
the CSV file with an editor such as Notepad).
$ cd ~/postgis_cookbook/data/chp01/
$ head -n 5 Global_24h.csv
0140,T,54,5.0 ,285.7,16.5
0140,T,100,5.0 ,285.2,53.9
0140,T,100,5.0 ,283.5,404.1
0140,T,61,5.0 ,272,143.1
2. Create a GDAL virtual data source composed of just one layer derived
from the Global_24h.csv file. To do so, create a text file named glob-
al_24h.vrt in the same directory where the CSV file is and edit it as fol-
<OGRVRTLayer name="Global_24h">
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