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ThesixthrecipewillshowyouhowtocreateaPL/Pythonfunctionusingthe geopy
librarytogeocodeaddressesusingwebgeocodingAPI suchasGoogleMaps,Ya-
hoo! Maps,, GeoNames, and other ones.
the netCDF format to PostGIS using the GDAL Python bindings.
Let's see some notes before starting with the recipes in this chapter.
If you are using Linux, follow these steps:
1. CreateaPython virtualenv ( )tosetup
a Python-isolated environment to be used for all the Python recipes in this
for most of the Python recipes of this topic.
$ cd ~/virtualenvs
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages
$ source postgis-cb-env/bin/activate
2. Onceactivated,youcaninstallthePythonlibrariesyouwillneedforthere-
cipes in this chapter:
$ pip install simplejson
$ pip install psycopg2
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install gdal
$ pip install geopy
3. Incaseyouarenewtothevirtualenvironmentandyouarewonderingwhere
the libraries have been installed, you should find everything in the vir-
tualenv directoryinourdevelopmentbox.Youcanfindthelibrariesusing
the following command:
$ ls /home/capooti/virtualenv/
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