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Importing nonspatial tabular data (CSV)
using GDAL
As an alternative approach to the previous recipe, you will import a CSV file to
PostGIS using the ogr2ogr GDAL command and the GDAL OGR virtual format .
The Geospatial Abstraction Library ( GDAL ), is a translator library for raster geo-
spatial data formats. OGR is the related library that provides similar capabilities for
vector data formats.
This time, as an extra step, you will import only a part of the features in the file and
you will reproject them to a different spatial reference system.
Getting ready
You will import the Global_24h.csv file to the PostGIS database from NASA's
Earth Observing System Data and Information System ( EOSDIS ).
You can download the file from the EOSDIS website at ht-
tp:// , orcopyitfromthe
dataset directory of the topic for this chapter.
This file represents the active hotspots detected by the Moderate Resolution Ima-
ging Spectroradiometer ( MODIS ) satellites in the world for the last 24 hours. For
fulfieldssuchasthe acquisition date , acquisition time ,and satellite
type , just to name a few.
You will import only the active fire data scanned by the satellite type marked as "T"
(Terra MODIS), and you will project it using the Spherical Mercator projection co-
ordinatesystem( EPSG:3857 ,sometimesmarkedas EPSG:900913 ,wherethenum-
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