Database Reference
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SELECT height / tan(anglex) AS basex
widthy AS
SELECT height / tan(angley) AS basey
iViewCone AS (
SELECT pyramidMaker(origin, basex::numeric,
basey::numeric, height) AS the_geom
FROM widthx, widthy
iViewRotated AS (
SELECT ST_RotateXYZ(the_geom, pi() - pitch, 0
- roll, pi() - bearing, origin) AS the_geom
FROM iViewCone
SELECT the_geom FROM iViewRotated
COST 100;
Now, to use ourfunction, let us bring in theUAS positions.
shp2pgsql -s 3734 -W LATIN1
uas_locations_altitude_hpr_3734 uas_locations |
psql -U postgres -d postgis_cookbook
Now, it is possible to calculate an estimated footprint for each UAS position.
CREATE TABLE chp07.viewshed AS
SELECT 1 AS gid, roll, pitch, heading,
fileName, chp07.pbr(the_geom,
radians(0)::numeric, radians(heading)::numeric,
radians(roll)::numeric, radians(40)::numeric,
radians(50)::numeric, ( (3.2808399 *
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