Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The proportional_sum functionwilltakeintoaccountourinputgeometryandthe
count valueofthepopulationandreturnanestimateoftheproportionalpopulation.
shp2pgsql -s 3734 -d -i -I -W LATIN1 -g
the_geom census chp06.census | psql -U me -d
postgis_cookbook -h localhost
Also, if you have not yet loaded the data mentioned in the Loading data from
OpenStreetMap and finding the shortest path using A* recipe,takethetimetodoso
Once all of the data is entered, we can proceed with the analysis.
How to do it...
The pgr_drivingdistance polygonwecreatedisthefirststepinthedemograph-
icanalysis.Refertothe Driving distance/service area calculation recipeifyouneed
to familiarize yourself with its use. In this case, we'll consider bicycling distance.
ter point for our pgr_drivingdistance calculation, and 6.437376 kilometers as
our distance, as we want to know the number of zoo visitors within 4 miles of the
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo:
CREATE TABLE zoo_bikezone AS (
WITH alphashape AS (
SELECT pgr_alphaShape('
SELECT seq, id1 AS node, cost
FROM pgr_drivingDistance(
''SELECT gid AS id, source, target,
reverse_cost AS cost FROM cleveland_ways'',
165232, 6.437376, false, false
dd_points AS(
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