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postgis_cookbook -user me -host localhost
prefixtables cleveland_ -clean
and the end of the output should say something like the following:
Create Topology success
size of streets: 90013
size of splitted ways : 224534
Our new vector table, by default, is named cleveland_ways . If no -pre-
fixtables flag were used, the table name would just be ways .
How it works...
osm2pgrouting is a powerful tool. In this case, it creates eight tables from our
input file. Of those eight, we'll address the two primary tables: the ways table and
the nodes table.
Our ways tableisatableofthelinesrepresentingallofourstreets,roads,trails,and
soonthatareinOSM.The nodes tablecontainsalloftheintersections.Thishelps
us identify the beginning and end points for routing.
Let's apply an A* (A star) routing approach to this problem.
A* is an extension of Dijkstra's algorithm, which uses a heuristic to speed up
the search for the shortest path, at the cost of occasionally not finding the op-
timum route. See* and
File:Astar_progress_animation.gif for more information.
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