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Warping and resampling rasters
imported the MODIS raster into its own table.
simply transforming the MODIS raster to a more suitable projection to creating an
overview by resampling the pixel size.
Getting ready
We will use several PostGIS warping functions, specifically ST_Transform() and
ST_Rescale() .The ST_Transform() functionreprojectsarastertoanewspatial
referencesystem(forexample,fromWGS84toNAD83).The ST_Rescale() func-
tion shrinks or grows the pixel size of a raster.
How to do it...
The first thing we will do is transform our raster since the MODIS rasters have their
ownuniquespatial-referencesystem.Wewillconverttherasterfrom MODIS Sinus-
oidal projection to US National Atlas Equal Area (SRID 2163) .
boundaries geometry. By clipping our raster before transformation, the operation
takes less time than it does to transform and then clip the raster.
SELECT ST_Transform(ST_Clip(m.rast,
ST_Transform(sf.geom, 96974)), 2163)
FROM modis m
CROSS JOIN sfpoly sf;
The following screenshot shows the clipped MODIS raster with the San Francisco
boundaries on top for comparison:
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