Database Reference
In-Depth Information
postgis_cookbook=# SELECT * FROM
id | name | srid |
precision | hasz
1 | hu_regions_topo | 3857 |
0 | f
(1 rows)
4. Alsonotethatfourtablesandoneviewthatareneededforstoringandman-
aging the topology have been generated in the schema named hu_topo ,
created from the CreateTopology function:
postgis_cookbook=# \dtv hu_topo.*
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
hu_topo | edge | view | me
hu_topo | edge_data | table | me
hu_topo | face | table | me
hu_topo | node | table | me
hu_topo | relation | table | me
(5 rows)
5. Check the initial information for the created topology using the topo-
logysummary function, as follows; all of the topologic entities (nodes,
edges, faces, and so on) are still not initialized:
postgis_cookbook=# SELECT
Topology hu_topo (1), SRID 3857,
precision 0 +
0 nodes, 0 edges, 0 faces, 0 topogeoms
in 0 layers+
(1 row)
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