Database Reference
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Exporting river shapefile for AD
Exporting river shapefile for AE
...Exporting river shapefile for ZM
Exporting river shapefile for ZW
5. Checktheoutputwith ogrinfo oraDesktopGIS.Thefollowingscreenshot
shows how the output looks in QGIS; we have added the original PostGIS
chp03.rivers layer and a couple of the generated shapefiles:
How it works...
You can use the ST_Intersection function to clip one dataset from another. In
this recipe, you first created a view, where you performed a spatial join between
a polygonal layer (countries) and a linear layer (rivers) using the ST_Intersects
function. In the context of the spatial join, you have used the ST_Intersection
function to generate a clip of the rivers in every country.
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