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sion—the ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology function—thatwillproduceonlyvalid
While the functions are working well with (multi) linear geometries, in the case of
and holes, at shared polygon borders.
the time of this writing:
• Performing the simplified process on an external GIS tool such as GRASS
• Using the new PostGIS topological support
one, you have been using GRASS to perform the simplification process.
Weopened GRASS ,createdaGISdatadirectoryandaprojectlocation,andthenim-
portedinthe GRASS locationthepolygonalPostGIStableusingthe com-
mand, based on GDAL/OGR, as the name suggests.
Until this point, you have been using the GRASS v.generalize command to per-
form the simplification of the dataset using a tolerance (threshold) expressed in
After simplifying the dataset, you have imported it back to PostGIS using the
v.ogr.out GRASS command and then opened the derived spatial table in a
rect way.
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