Database Reference
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GIS tool that is able to manage topological operations the way GRASS can.
For this recipe, you will use the GRASS approach.
6. Install GRASS onyoursystemifyoudon'talreadyhaveit.Then,createadir-
ectory to contain the GRASS database (in GRASS jargon, a GISDBASE ), as
$ mkdir grass_db
7. Now, start GRASS by typing grass in the Linux command prompt or by
double-clicking on the GRASS GUI icon in Windows ( Start | All Programs
| OSGeo4W | GRASS GIS 6.4.3 | GRASS 6.4.3 GUI ).Youwillbeprompted
toselect grass_db astheGISdatadirectory.Selecttheoneyoucreatedin
the previous step.
8. Using the Location Wizard button, create a location named post-
gis_cookbook withthetitle PostGIS Cookbook ( GRASS usessubdirect-
system, map projection, and geographical boundaries).
9. Whencreatingthenewlocation,selecttheEPSGwithSRID2163asthespa-
tialreferencesystem(youneedtoselectthe Select EPSG code of spatial
reference system optionunder Choose method for creating a new loca-
tion ).
10. Now start GRASS by clicking on the Start GRASS button. The program's
command line will start:
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