Database Reference
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INSERT INTO chp02.xwhyzed1 (x, y, z)
VALUES (random()*5, random()*7, random()*106);
INSERT INTO chp02.xwhyzed1 (x, y, z)
VALUES (random()*5, random()*7, random()*106);
INSERT INTO chp02.xwhyzed1 (x, y, z)
VALUES (random()*5, random()*7, random()*106);
INSERT INTO chp02.xwhyzed1 (x, y, z)
VALUES (random()*5, random()*7, random()*106);
How to do it...
be populated with null values. We populate a geometry column using the following
SELECT AddGeometryColumn
Wenowhaveacolumncalled the_geom withanSRIDof 3734 ,thatis,apointgeo-
ulate a 3D point table using a similar approach.
Since all the geometry values are currently null, we will populate them using an
UPDATE statement as follows:
UPDATE chp02.xwhyzed1
SET geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x,y),
The query here is simple when broken down. We update the table xwhyzed1 and
setthe the_geom columnusing ST_MakePoint ,constructourpointusingthexand
ycolumns,andwrapitinan ST_SetSRID functioninordertoapplytheappropriate
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