Travel Reference
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An Angel conducts the Soul of Lazarus to Heaven
Lazarus the Beggar in Abraham's Bosom
The Rich Man in Hell
In NW, NE and SE pendentives
The scenes illustrate Luke 16:19-26: the Rich Man had refused
alms to Lazarus in this world; he went to hell and appealed to
Lazarus in heaven for water but was refused.
The Torments of the Damned
In lunette of south wall, eastern half
Four rectangular panels identified as: (upper left) The Gnashing
of Teeth; (upper right) The Outer Darkness; (lower left) The
Worm that Sleepeth Not; (lower right) The Unquenchable
The Entry of the Elect into Paradise
In lunette of north wall
The Elect are led by St. Peter towards the Gate of Paradise,
guarded by a Cherub; the Good Thief welcomes them and
points to the enthroned Mother of God.
The Mother of God and Her Prefigurations
This cycle, in the western dome and bay, represents the Blessed Virgin
and a series of five episodes from the Old Testament which came to
be symbolically interpreted as prefigurations or “types” of the Virgin
and the Incarnation.
The Virgin and Child with Angels
In the western dome
The Virgin and Child in the crown surrounded by the heavenly
court of angels in the spaces between the ribs.
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