Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 10.11 The comparison between the historical data with the mean, median and the maximum
simulated fl ow depths
the existence of large rivers, particularly the one in the southernmost part of Owase
City, enables tsunamis to penetrate further inland by overstepping the riverbanks.
The affected ratio of each pixel is presented in Fig. 10.12b The results indicate
that the northern part of the city is impacted by almost 80 % of the 64 scenarios.
These simulated scenarios involved earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 7.7
Mw, which are highly likely to occur in the near future. We then separated the areas
that were affected by M 9 class earthquakes (20 % of the affected ratio) from the
areas that were impacted by almost all scenarios involving M 7 and M 8 class earth-
quakes (80 % of the affected ratio). We attempt to distinguish between the areas
affected by the high-frequency tsunamis and areas that are likely to be fl ooded only
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