Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 10.5 The results of the seabed displacement models for earthquakes with magnitudes larger
than 8 Mw in the Tokai and Tonankai regions, including the new scenario provided by the Cabinet
Offi ce of Japan ( 2013 ). Legend on the right hand side is used for (1) to (13) and the legend on the
left hand side is used for (14) to (24)
Framework of the Geographical Information System
The determination of the areas of Level 1 and 2 tsunami inundation was conducted
in the GIS platform (Fig. 10.6 ). This concept was developed by following Strunz
et al. ( 2011 ) and Wegscheider et al. ( 2011 ), who estimated the risk of being affected
by tsunamis as the ratio the number of tsunami scenarios that affect an area to the
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