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This code declares a global XMLHttpRequest object so that all the other methods can use it. Inside the
jQuery ready() function, the GetCustomers() function is called. GetCustomers() first adds table headers
and an empty row for accepting new Customer details.
A new XMLHttpRequest object is then created. The open() method of the XMLHttpRequest object
specifies the request method as GET and the URL as api/Customer . Note that you need not specify the Web
API method name in the URL. Based on the HTTP verb ( GET in this case), the appropriate Web API method
is automatically invoked.
You set two request headers: Accept and Content-Type . The Accept header is mainly for the Web API
and controls the format of the returned data (text, JSON, and so on). Because you want to access the
Customer data items in JSON format, the Accept header is set to application/json .
The onreadystatechange event-handler function checks the readyState property of the
XMLHttpRequest object. If readyState is 4 (complete), the responseText is parsed into a JSON object using
the JSON.parse() method. Recollect that the Get() Web API method returns an IEnumerable of Customer
objects. Hence you use a for loop to iterate through the data object. With each iteration, a new table row is
added. Each new table row consists of text boxes filled with the existing customer information (for
example, data[i].CustomerID ).
Next, you add the click event handler for the Insert, Update, and Delete buttons. Note how you use
the attribute selector to compare the value of the <input> elements against Insert, Update, and Delete. The
corresponding InsertCustomer , UpdateCustomer , and DeleteCustomer functions are wired as the event
Once the readystatechange event-handler function is wired, the request is sent to the server using the
XMLHttpRequest object's send() method.
The InsertCustomer() , UpdateCustomer() , and DeleteCustomer() functions are similar as far as their
usage of XMLHttpRequest is concerned. InsertCustomer() is shown in Listing 11-10. The other functions
follow a similar pattern.
Listing 11-10. Inserting a New Customer
function InsertCustomer(evt) {
var customerID = $(this).closest('tr').children().eq(0).children().eq(0).val();
var companyName = $(this).closest('tr').children().eq(1).children().eq(0).val();
var contactName = $(this).closest('tr').children().eq(2).children().eq(0).val();
var country = $(this).closest('tr').children().eq(3).children().eq(0).val();
var obj = { “CustomerID”: customerID, “CompanyName”: companyName,
“ContactName”: contactName, “Country”: country };
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”, “api/Customer”);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
alert(“Customer Inserted!”);
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