Information Technology Reference
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define work-date character (8)
define record-counter integer( 5) value 0
define page-counter integer( 3) value 0
define line-counter integer( 2) value 54
define error-msg character (60) value spaces
work-date = date
print-month = work-date (5:2)
print-day = work-date (7:2)
print-year = work-date (3:2)
account-number = 9
read-file: readnext acctfile
record-counter = record-counter + 1
if acct-status = 0
print-account-number = account-number
print-last-name = last-name
print-first-name = first-name
print-middle-initial = middle-initial
print-street-address = street-address
print-city = city
print-state = state
print-zip-code = zip-code
print-balance = balance
line-counter = line-counter + 1
if line-counter > 54
perform print-headings
print print-line
go to read-file
if acct-status not = 9
error-msg = “There was a problem with the account file”
go to end-program
print-headings: page-counter = page-counter + 1
page-number = page-counter
line-counter = 5
print page main-heading
print skip (2) sub-heading
print skip
end-program: record-counter = record-counter - 1
print skip (2) „the number of records read was ‟ record-counter
print skip error-msg
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