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P , which is the constant-normal form of the plane. When n is unit, d equals
the distance of the plane from the origin. If n is not unit, d is still the distance, but
now in units of the length of n . When not taking the absolute value, d is interpreted
as a signed distance.
The constant-normal form of the plane equation is also often written component-
wise as ax
0, where n
( a , b , c ) and X
( x , y , z ). In this text, the
as the former tends to remove a superfluous negation (for example, when computing
intersections with the plane).
When a plane is precomputed, it is often useful to have the plane normal be a
unit vector. The plane normal is made unit by dividing n (and d , if it has already
been computed) by
0 form is preferred over its common alternative, ax
a 2
c 2 . Having a unit plane normal simplifies
most operations involving the plane. In these cases, the plane equation is said to be
normalized . When a normalized plane equation is evaluated for a given point, the
obtained result is the signed distance of the point from the plane (negative if the
point is behind the plane, otherwise positive).
A plane is computed from three noncollinear points as follows:
b 2
struct Plane {
Vector n; // Plane normal. Points x on the plane satisfy Dot(n,x) = d
float d; // d = dot(n,p) for a given point p on the plane
// Given three noncollinear points (ordered ccw), compute plane equation
Plane ComputePlane(Point a, Point b, Point c)
Plane p;
p.n = Normalize(Cross(b - a, c - a));
p.d = Dot(p.n, a);
return p;
A plane can also be given in a parameterized form as
P ( s , t )
s u
t v ,
where u and v are two independent vectors in the plane and A is a point on the
When two planes are not parallel to each other, they intersect in a line. Similarly,
three planes — no two parallel to each other — intersect in a single point. The angle
between two intersecting planes is referred to as the dihedral angle .
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