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order of 2 n such tests. The overall complexity of the algorithm thus becomes O ( n 2 ).
The following code fragment implements this triangulation algorithm.
// Triangulate the CCW n-gon specified by the vertices v[]
void Triangulate(Point v[], int n)
// Set up previous and next links to effectively form a double-linked vertex list
for(inti=0;i<n;i++) {
next[n - 1] = 0;
// Start at vertex 0
// Keep removing vertices until just a triangle left
while (n > 3) {
// Test if current vertex, v[i], is an ear
int isEar = 1;
// An ear must be convex (here counterclockwise)
if (TriangleIsCCW(v[prev[i]], v[i], v[next[i]])) {
// Loop over all vertices not part of the tentative ear
int k = next[next[i]];
do {
// If vertex k is inside the ear triangle, then this is not an ear
if (TestPointTriangle(v[k], v[prev[i]], v[i], v[next[i]])) {
isEar = 0;
k = next[k];
} while (k != prev[i]);
} else {
// The 'ear' triangle is clockwise so v[i] is not an ear
isEar = 0;
// If current vertex v[i] is an ear, delete it and visit the previous vertex
if (isEar) {
// Triangle (v[i], v[prev[i]], v[next[i]]) is an ear
...output triangle here...
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