Graphics Reference
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Figure 12.17 (a) A simple polygon that only has two ears (ears shown in gray). (b) One
possible triangulation of the polygon.
V 6
V 4
V 4
V 4
V 5
V 5
V 1
V 1
V 1
V 3
V 3
V 2
V 0
V 0
V 0
Figure 12.18 The first steps of triangulation by ear cutting. (a) Identifying V 2 as an ear. (b)
Identifying V 3 as an ear after cutting V 2 . (c) Identifying V 4 as an ear after cutting V 3 .
not an ear because V 1 is not convex, in that the triangle ( V 0 , V 1 , V 2 ) is clockwise. The
algorithm proceeds to V 2 . Because V 2 is convex and no polygon vertices lie in the
triangle ( V 1 , V 2 , V 3 ), V 2 is an ear and is clipped. Now a step back is taken, to revisit
V 1 because its ear-ness status might have changed. However, V 1 is still concave, and
thus the algorithm proceeds to its successor vertex, which is now V 3 . It is found to
be an ear and is cut, and thus the algorithm again revisits V 1 .Yet again V 1 is concave.
Next is vertex V 4 , which is an ear. V 1 is now revisited once more, this time found to
be an ear. After V 1 is cut, what remains is a triangle and the algorithm stops.
Testing if a vertex is an ear may require testing all other vertices for containment
in the ear, and is therefore O ( n ). The outer loop may end up performing up to the
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