Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
E 12
T 1
E 11
V 3
V 1
V 1
F 2
F 1
T 3
V 2
T 2
E 22
E 21
V 2
Figure 12.7 Data associated with (a) the winged-edge E , (b) the half-edge H , and (c) the
winged-triangle T .
The winged-triangle data structure is “face-based.” Each triangle references the
vertices defining the triangle, as well as the three triangles sharing its edges. Vertices
have a reference to an incident triangle. Edges are not explicitly stored in the winged-
triangle representation. The definitions of these three data structures are as follows.
// Basic representation of an edge in the winged-edge representation
struct WingedEdge {
Vertex *v1, *v2; // The two vertices of the represented edge (E)
Face *f1, f2; // The two faces connected to the edge
Edge *e11, *e12, *e21, *e22; // The next edges CW and CCW for each face
// Basic representation of a half-edge in the half-edge representation
struct HalfEdge {
HalfEdge *ht;
// The matching “twin” half-edge of the opposing face
HalfEdge *hn;
// The next half-edge counter clockwise
Face *f;
// The face connected to this half-edge
Vertex *v;
// The vertex constituting the origin of this half-edge
// Basic representation of a triangle in the winged-triangle representation
struct WingedTriangle {
Vertex *v1, *v2, *v3; // The 3 vertices defining this triangle
WingedTriangle *t1, *t2, *t3; // The 3 triangles this triangle connects to
// Fields specifying to which edge (0-2) of these triangles the connection
// is made are not strictly required, but they improve performance and can
// be stored “for free” inside the triangle pointers
int edge1:2, edge2:2, edge3:2;
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