Graphics Reference
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going into details that would hamper the understanding of the overall approach.
Similarly, some code tests may require tolerance values to be added for full robustness.
The intent is for the discussion of robustness in Chapter 11 to make it clear what
changes (if any) are necessary to turn the presented code into robust production code.
To help make it clear which function arguments are inputs and which are outputs,
input variables are often passed by value and output variables are passed by reference.
In some cases, it would be more efficient to pass input variables by reference. This is
left as an exercise for the reader.
Comments are set in cursive, whereas the code is set in boldface. Names of func-
tions, classes, structs, and user-defined types begin with an uppercase letter.Variables
begin with a lowercase letter. Where possible, variable names have been chosen to
follow the notation used in the accompanying text. In some cases, these rules conflict.
For example, points are denoted using uppercase characters in the text, whereas in
the code they are lowercase.
The code presented in the topic is available on the companion CD-ROM. However,
the reader may want to visit the topic's companion web site for the latest version
of the code, incorporating corrections, changes, and additions.
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