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9.3.1 The Dobkin-Kirkpatrick Hierarchy
The Dobkin-Kirkpatrick (DK) hierarchy of a d -dimensional polyhedron P is a
sequence P 0 , P 1 , ... , P k of nested increasingly smaller polytopal approximations of
P , where P
P 0 and P i + 1 is obtained from P i by deletion of a subset of the vertices
of P i . The subset of vertices is selected to form a maximal set of independent vertices
(that is, such that no two vertices in the set are adjacent to each other). The construc-
tion of the hierarchy stops with the innermost polyhedron P k being a d -simplex (a
tetrahedron, in 3D). [Edelsbrunner87] shows that every polyhedron allows the con-
struction of a maximal set of independent vertices through a simple greedy algorithm.
In pseudocode, the algorithm is as follows.
// Given a set s of vertices, compute a maximal set of independent vertices
Set IndependentSet(Set s)
// Initialize i to the empty set
Set i = EmptySet();
// Loop over all vertices in the input set
for (all vertices v in s) {
// If unmarked and has 8 or fewer neighboring vertices...
if (!Marked(v) && Degree(v) <= 8) {
// Add v to the independent set and mark all of v's neighbors
return i;
The independent set is guaranteed to be a constant fractional size of the current set
of vertices, in turn guaranteeing a height of O (log n ) for the DK hierarchy. Additionally,
during the hierarchy construction pointers are added to connect deleted features of
polyhedron P i to new features of polyhedron P i + 1 , and vice versa. These pointers help
facilitate efficient queries on the hierarchy.
Figure 9.5 illustrates the construction of the Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy for a
convex polygon P as specified by vertices V 0 through V 11 . P 0 is set to be equivalent
to P . P 1 is obtained from P 0 by deleting, say, the vertices V 1 , V 3 , V 5 , V 7 , V 9 , and
V 11 (which form a maximal independent set). P 2 is similarly obtained from P 1 by
deleting vertices V 2 , V 6 , and V 10 . Because P 2 is a 2-simplex (a triangle), the hierarchy
construction stops.
Given a DK hierarchy, many different queries can be answered in an efficient
manner. For example, the point on P closest to a query point S can be located through
a simple recursive procedure. As an illustration, consider the case of Figure 9.6.
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