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// Split polygon to plane and send a part to each side of the plane
SplitPolygon(*poly, splitPlane, &frontPart, &backPart);
// Recursively build child subtrees and return new tree root combining them
BSPNode *frontTree = BuildBSPTree(frontList, depth + 1);
BSPNode *backTree = BuildBSPTree(backList, depth + 1);
return new BSPNode(frontTree, backTree);
For constructing leaf-storing or solid trees, polygons that lie on the partitioning
plane are sent to either side of the plane (here, to the front side of the plane). For
node-storing trees, coplanar polygons are instead stored in the node itself.
Although simple in structure, there are a few problems hidden in the helper func-
tions called by this code. Specifically, having PickSplittingPlane() select a good
partitioning plane is a nontrivial problem. Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2 cover this problem
in more detail. There are also some subtle issues to do with robustness involved in clas-
sifying and splitting a polygon to a plane in the functions ClassifyPolygonToPlane()
and SplitPolygon() , discussed further in Sections 8.3.3 through 8.3.5.
A third issue is determining when to stop the tree construction. This depends on
the type of BSP tree being built. For a node-storing tree, the recursive construction
proceeds until the set of remaining input polygons becomes empty. The same applies
for a solid-leaf tree. The construction of a leaf-storing BSP tree is typically stopped
The leaf contains less than some preset number of polygons.
A fixed cutoff depth has been reached.
A good dividing plane cannot be found.
The examples presented in this chapter use the same tree representation for
construction of the tree and for runtime queries. However, it is important to stress
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