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// Test if sphere with radius r moving from a to b intersects with plane p
int TestMovingSpherePlane(Point a, Point b, float r, Plane p)
// Get the distance for both a and b from plane p
float adist = Dot(a, p.n) - p.d;
float bdist = Dot(b, p.n) - p.d;
// Intersects if on different sides of plane (distances have different signs)
if (adist * bdist < 0.0f) return 1;
// Intersects if start or end position within radius from plane
if (Abs(adist) <= r || Abs(bdist) <= r) return 1;
// No intersection
return 0;
This test also assumes the plane has been normalized; that is,
5.5.4 Intersecting Moving AABB Against Plane
Let a plane
d , where n is a unit vector. Let an AABB B be
specified by a center C ; local axis vectors u 0
be specified by ( n
X )
and extents e 0 , e 1 , and e 2 . Let v be the direction vector for B such that the box center
movement is given by C ( t )
(1,0,0), u 1
(0, 1, 0), and u 2
Consider the plane normal n as a separating axis. The projection radius of B with
respect to an axis n is given by
t v over the interval of motion 0
e 0 |
u 0 ·
| +
e 1 |
u 1 ·
| +
e 2 |
u 2 ·
Because u 0 , u 1 , and u 2 are fixed, this simplifies to
e 1 n y +
e 0 |
n x | +
e 2 |
n z |
Note that the magnitude of the projected radius remains constant as B moves. The
test now proceeds equivalently to the moving-sphere-against-plane test. The signed
distance from the plane of a point R is ( n
R )
d . Consequently, the AABB initially
overlaps the plane if ( n
C )
r .If( n
v )
0, the AABB is moving away from
the plane. When ( n
0, the AABB is moving parallel to the plane.
Displacing the plane toward the AABB by r changes the plane to ( n
v )
r .
When the AABB is moving toward the plane, the first point on the AABB to touch
the plane is Q
X )
C ( t )
r n , where C ( t ) is the position of the AABB at the time it first
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