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Figure 5.32 Dynamic collision tests. (a) Testing only at the start point and endpoint of an
object's movement suffers from tunneling. (b) A swept test finds the exact point of collision,
but may not be possible to compute for all objects and movements. (c) Sampled motion
may require a lot of tests and still exhibit tunneling in the region indicated by the black
or end of a movement. Thus, for two objects A and B , the movement of object B
can be subtracted from object A . Now object B is stationary and any intersection
test needs to consider only a moving object ( A ) against a stationary object ( B ). That
is, the test is effectively considering the objects' movement relative to each other. If
an intersection point is computed, the movement of B must be added back into the
computed intersection point to obtain actual world coordinates rather than object-
relative coordinates. In the following sections, first two generic methods to dynamic
tests are explored, followed by a number of specific methods addressing common
intersection problems.
5.5.1 Interval Halving for Intersecting Moving Objects
Somewhere halfway between the sampling method and performing a continuous
swept test lies a method based on performing a recursive binary search over the
object movement to find the time of collision, if any. Consider again the problem
of a sphere S moving at high speed past a stationary object. Let S be at position A ,
its movement described by the vector v . Start by forming a bounding sphere that
fully encloses the sphere at A and at A
v and test this sphere for collision against
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