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V 0
Figure 5.28 A binary search over the vertices of the convex polygon allows the containment
test for P to be performed in O (log n ) time (here using four sidedness tests, A through D ).
// Test if point p lies inside ccw-specified convex n-gon given by vertices v[]
int PointInConvexPolygon(Point p, int n, Point v[])
// Do binary search over polygon vertices to find the fan triangle
// (v[0], v[low], v[high]) the point p lies within the near sides of
int low = 0, high = n;
do {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (TriangleIsCCW(v[0], v[mid], p))
low = mid;
high = mid;
} while (low+1<high);
// If point outside last (or first) edge, then it is not inside the n-gon
if (low == 0 || high == n) return 0;
// p is inside the polygon if it is left of
// the directed edge from v[low] to v[high]
return TriangleIsCCW(v[low], v[high], p);
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