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Overall, this problem is very similar to that of the intersecting of a segment against
a box defined as the intersection of three slabs (as in Section 5.3.3). Because a box
is just a special case of a convex polyhedron, this code could also be used for the
segment-box test.
5.4 Additional Tests
This section describes a number of tests and computations that do not directly fit into
the classifications of the earlier sections but are still either commonly encountered or
illustrate a technique that can be applied to related problems.
5.4.1 Testing Point in Polygon
A large number of approaches exist for testing the containment of a point in a polygon.
An excellent survey of point-in-polygon methods is given in [Haines94]. An addi-
tional method, based on quadrant testing, is presented in [Weiler94]. An approach
based on a CSG representation of the polygon is described in [Walker99]. A good
survey is also given in [Huang97].
Most point-in-polygon tests required in real-time collision detection applications
can be limited to involve convex polygons only. Whereas the point containment
for concave n -gons may require O ( n ) time, the special structure of convex polygons
allows a fast point-containment test to be performed in O (log n ) time, through an
interval-halving approach.
Assume a convex n -gon is given counterclockwise by the vertices V 0 , V 1 , ... , V n 1 .
By testing whether the query point P is to the left or right of the directed line through
V 0 and V k , k
, half the polygon can be excluded from further tests. The
procedure is repeated, with the value of k adjusted accordingly until P either has been
found to lie outside the polygon (right of the directed line through V 0 and V 1 , or left
of the one through V 0 and V n 1 ) or between the directed lines through V 0 and V k and
through V 0 and V k + 1 . In the latter case, P is contained in the polygon if P also lies to
the left of the directed line through V k and V k + 1 .
As an example, consider the eight-sided convex polygon of Figure 5.28. Initially, P
is tested against the directed line A through V 0 and V 4 , dividing the polygon in half
vertex-wise. Because P lies to the left of A , the right polygon half is discarded and
the left half is now processed in the same manner. Next, P is tested against the line
B , followed by a test against C . At this point, P lies between the lines through two
consecutive vertices, and thus a final test is performed against the directed line D
through these two vertices, here confirming that P indeed lies inside the polygon.
By using the predicate TriangleIsCCW() , which determines if the triangle speci-
fied by three points is defined counterclockwise, this test can be efficiently imple-
mented as follows.
n /2
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