Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information Closest Point on 3D Rectangle to Point
Determining the point Q on a 3D rectangle R closest to a given point P is virtually
equivalent to the problem of finding the closest point on an OBB, in that a 3D rectangle
can be seen as an OBB with zero extent along the z axis.
As such, a rectangle is defined by a center point C , two orthogonal unit vectors u 0
and u 1 specifying the orientation of the x and y axes of R , and two scalar values e 0 and
e 1 specifying the rectangle halfwidth extents along each axis. In this representation,
all points S contained by R are given by S
a u 0 +
b u 1 , where
| ≤
e 0 and
e 1 . Expressed as code, this rectangle structure becomes:
struct Rect {
Point c;
// center point of rectangle
Vector u[2];
// unit vectors determining local x and y axes for the rectangle
float e[2];
// the halfwidth extents of the rectangle along the axes
Rewriting the ClosestPtPointOBB() code to account for a zero-extent z axis
results in the following code for finding the closest point on a 3D rectangle.
// Given point p, return point q on (or in) Rect r, closest to p
void ClosestPtPointRect(Point p, Rect r, Point &q)
// Start result at center of rect; make steps from there
q = r.c;
// For each rect axis...
for(inti=0;i<2;i++) {
// ...project d onto that axis to get the distance
// along the axis of d from the rect center
float dist = Dot(d, r.u[i]);
// If distance farther than the rect extents, clamp to the rect
if (dist > r.e[i]) dist = r.e[i];
if (dist < -r.e[i]) dist = -r.e[i];
// Step that distance along the axis to get world coordinate
q += dist * r.u[i];
A 3D rectangle R can also be given by three points ( A , B , and C ) such that the
vectors B
A and C
A span the rectangle. All points S in R are now given by
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