Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
exactly the same structure as in DVB SI and also have the same functional-
ity. The ARIB Standard thus also makes reference to ETSI 300468.
3.6 DMBT (China) Tables
China, too, have their own digital terrestrial television standard named
DMB-T - Digital Multimedia Broadcasting - Terrestrial. It can be as-
sumed that there is also an independent or modified or copied table of
comparable significance to DVB-SI but there have been no publications
regarding what modifications, if any, were made.
3.7 Other Important Details of the MPEG2 Transport
In the section below, other details of the MPEG-2 transport stream will be
discussed in more detail.
Apart from the sync bytes (synchronization to the transport stream) al-
ready mentioned, the transport stream error indicator and the packet identi-
fier (PID), the transport stream header also contains:
• the Payload Unit Start Indicator,
the Transport Priority,
the Transport Scrambling Control,
the Adaptation Field Control, and
the Continuity Counter.
The Payload Unit Start Indicator is a bit which marks the start of a pay-
load. If this bit is set, it means that a new payload is starting in this trans-
port stream packet: this transport stream packet contains either the start of
a video or audio PES packet plus PES header, or the beginning of a table
plus table ID as the first byte in the payload part of the transport stream
3.7.1 The Transport Priority
This bit indicates that this transport stream packet has a higher priority
than other TS packets with the same PID.
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