Digital Signal Processing Reference
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signalled via the AIT (Application Information Table, Fig. 27.5.). The AIT
is entered in a PMT as PID with the value of 0x74 as table_ID.
27.4 System Software Update SSU
Since the software of DVB receivers is also subject to continuous updates,
it makes sense to provide these to the customer in a relatively simple man-
ner. This can be done "by air" in the case of DVB-S and DVB-T and, of
course, via cable in the case of DVB-C. If the software is transmitted in
object carousels embedded in the MPEG-2 transport stream according to
DVB it is called SSU (System Software Update) and is defined in the
[TS102006] standard. Currently, however, mainly proprietary software
updates are used.
In SSU, the available software updates are announced via another table,
the Update Notification Table (UNT). The PID of the UNT is entered in
the NIT and the table_ID of the UNT is 0x4B.
Fig. 27.7. Entry of an MHP object carousel in a Program Map Table (PMT) as
analyzed on an MPEG analyzer [DVM]
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