Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 18.20. Constellation analysis on a DVB-C signal from a test transmitter
(Rohde&Schwarz SFQ, bottom left) using a test transmitter (Rohde&Schwarz
EFA, top left): An MPEG-2 generator (Rohde&Schwarz DVRG, center left) sup-
plies an MPEG-2 transport stream with test contents which is fed into the test
transmitter. The DVB-C receiver EFA displays the DVB-C Signal back into the
MPEG-2 transport stream which can then be decoded with an MPEG-2 test de-
coder (Rohde&Schwarz DVMD, center right). The picture also shows the video
analyzer VSA (bottom right), the TV monitor (top center) and a “601” analyzer
VCA (top right).
Bibliography: [ETR290], [EFA], [SFQ], [HOFMEISTER],
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