Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Varargs methods are handled purely by the compiler. They operate by converting
the variable number of arguments into an array. To the Java runtime, the max()
method is indistinguishable from this one:
public static int max ( int first , int [] rest ) {
/* body omitted for now */
To convert a varargs signature to the “real” signature, simply replace ... with [ ] .
Remember that only one ellipsis can appear in a parameter list, and it may only
appear on the last parameter in the list.
Let's flesh out the max() example a little:
public static int max ( int first , int ... rest ) {
int max = first ;
for ( int i : rest ) { // legal because rest is actually an array
if ( i > max ) max = i ;
return max ;
This max() method is declared with two arguments. The first is just a regular int
value. The second, however, may be repeated zero or more times. All of the follow‐
ing are legal invocations of max() :
max ( 0 )
max ( 1 , 2 )
max ( 16 , 8 , 4 , 2 , 1 )
Because varargs methods are compiled into methods that expect an array of argu‐
ments, invocations of those methods are compiled to include code that creates and
initializes such an array. So the call max(1,2,3) is compiled to this:
max ( 1 , new int [] { 2 , 3 })
In fact, if you already have method arguments stored in an array, it is perfectly legal
for you to pass them to the method that way, instead of writing them out individu‐
ally. You can treat any ... argument as if it were declared as an array. The converse
is not true, however: you can only use varargs method invocation syntax when the
method is actually declared as a varargs method using an ellipsis.
Introduction to Classes and Objects
Now that we have introduced operators, expressions, statements, and methods, we
can finally talk about classes. A class is a named collection of fields that hold data
values and methods that operate on those values. Classes are just one of five refer‐
ence types supported by Java, but they are the most important type. Classes are
thoroughly documented in a chapter of their own ( Chapter 3 ). We introduce them
here, however, because they are the next higher level of syntax after methods, and
because the rest of this chapter requires a basic familiarity with the concept of a
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