Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The break Statement
A break statement causes the Java interpreter to skip immediately to the end of a
containing statement. We have already seen the break statement used with the
switch statement. The break statement is most often written as simply the keyword
break followed by a semicolon:
break ;
When used in this form, it causes the Java interpreter to immediately exit the inner‐
most containing while , do , for , or switch statement. For example:
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data . length ; i ++) {
if ( data [ i ] == target ) { // When we find what we're looking for,
index = i ; // remember where we found it
break ; // and stop looking!
} // The Java interpreter goes here after executing break
The break statement can also be followed by the name of a containing labeled state‐
ment. When used in this form, break causes the Java interpreter to immediately exit
the named block, which can be any kind of statement, not just a loop or switch . For
TESTFORNULL: if ( data != null ) {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < numrows ; row ++) {
for ( int col = 0 ; col < numcols ; col ++) {
if ( data [ row ][ col ] == null )
break TESTFORNULL ; // treat the array as undefined.
} // Java interpreter goes here after executing break TESTFORNULL
The continue Statement
While a break statement exits a loop, a continue statement quits the current itera‐
tion of a loop and starts the next one. continue , in both its unlabeled and labeled
forms, can be used only within a while , do , or for loop. When used without a label,
continue causes the innermost loop to start a new iteration. When used with a label
that is the name of a containing loop, it causes the named loop to start a new itera‐
tion. For example:
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data . length ; i ++) { // Loop through data.
if ( data [ i ] == - 1 ) // If a data value is missing,
continue ; // skip to the next iteration.
process ( data [ i ]); // Process the data value.
while , do , and for loops differ slightly in the way that continue starts a new
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