Java Reference
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It can interpolate too - $ { hw }
print ( output );
Nashorn helper functions
Nashorn also provides some helper functions to make it easier for developers to
accomplish common tasks that shell scripts often want to perform:
print() / echo()
We've been using print() throughout many of our examples, and these func‐
tions behave exactly as expected. They print the string they've been passed, fol‐
lowed by a newline character.
quit() / exit()
These two functions are completely equivalent—they both cause the script to
exit. They can take an integer parameter that will be used as the return code of
the script's process. If no argument is supplied, they will default to using 0, as is
customary for Unix processes.
Reads a single line of input from standard input (usually the keyboard). By
default, it will print the line out on standard output, but if the return value of
readLine() is assigned to a variable, the entered data will end up there instead,
as in this example:
print ( "Please enter your name: " );
var name = readLine ();
print ( "Please enter your age: " );
var age = readLine ();
print (<< EOREC );
Student Record
Name: $ { name }
Age: $ { age }
Instead of reading from standard input, readFully() loads the entire contents
of a file. As with readLine() , the contents are either printed to standard out‐
put, or assigned to a variable:
var contents = readFully ( "input.txt" );
This function is used to load and evaluate (via JavaScript's eval ) a script. The
script can be located by a local path, or a URL. Alternatively, it may be defined
as a string using JavaScript's script object notation.
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