Java Reference
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the fully qualified class name. As a concrete example, let's access Java's builtin regu‐
lar expression support:
jjs > var pattern = java . util . regex . Pattern . compile ( "\\d+" );
jjs > var myNums = pattern . split ( "a1b2c3d4e5f6" );
jjs > print ( myNums );
[ Ljava . lang . String ; @ 10 b48321
jjs > print ( myNums [ 0 ]);
When we used the REPL to print out the JavaScript variable
myNums , we got the result [Ljava.lang.String;@10b48321
this is a tell-tale sign that despite being represented in a Java‐
Script variable, myNums is really a Java array of strings.
We'll have a great deal more to say about interoperation between Nashorn and Java
later on, but first let's discuss some of the additional features of jjs . The general
form of the jjs command is:
jjs [< options >] < files > [-- < arguments >]
There are a number of options that can be passed to jjs —some of the most com‐
mon are:
-cp or -classpath indicates where additional Java classes can be found (to be
used via the Java.type mechanism, as we'll see later).
-doe or -dump-on-error will produce a full error dump if Nashorn is forced to
-J is used to pass options to the JVM. For example, if we want to increase the
maximum memory available to the JVM:
$ jjs - J - Xmx4g
jjs > java . lang . Runtime . getRuntime (). maxMemory ()
-strict causes all script and functions to be run in JavaScript strict mode. This
is a feature of JavaScript that was introduced with ECMAScript version 5, and
is intended to reduce bugs and errors. Strict mode is recommended for all new
development in JavaScript, and if you're not familiar with it you should read up
on it.
-D allows the developer to pass key-value pairs to Nashorn as system proper‐
ties, in the usual way for the JVM. For example:
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