Java Reference
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Object rcvr = "a" ;
try {
MethodType mt = MethodType . methodType ( int . class );
MethodHandles . Lookup l = MethodHandles . lookup ();
MethodHandle mh = l . findVirtual ( rcvr . getClass (), "hashCode" , mt );
int ret ;
try {
ret = ( int ) mh . invoke ( rcvr );
System . out . println ( ret );
} catch ( Throwable t ) {
t . printStackTrace ();
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException |
NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
} catch ( IllegalAccessException x ) {
x . printStackTrace ();
Method handles provide a clearer and more coherent way to access the same
dynamic programming capabilities as Reflection. In addition, they are designed to
work well with the low-level execution model of the JVM and thus hold out the
promise of much better performance than Reflection can provide.
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