Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's look at the source code from Method to see what information and metadata is
held for each method:
private Class <?> clazz ;
private int slot ;
// This is guaranteed to be interned by the VM in the 1.4
// reflection implementation
private String name ;
private Class <?> returnType ;
private Class <?>[] parameterTypes ;
private Class <?>[] exceptionTypes ;
private int modifiers ;
// Generics and annotations support
private transient String signature ;
// Generic info repository; lazily initialized
private transient MethodRepository genericInfo ;
private byte [] annotations ;
private byte [] parameterAnnotations ;
private byte [] annotationDefault ;
private volatile MethodAccessor methodAccessor ;
This provides all available information, including the exceptions the method can
throw, annotations (with a retention policy of RUNTIME ), and even the generics
information that was otherwise removed by javac .
We can explore the metadata contained on the Method object, by calling accessor
methods, but by far the single biggest use case for Method is reflexive invocation.
The methods represented by these objects can be executed by reflection using the
invoke() method on Method . An example of invoking hashCode() on a String
object follows:
Object rcvr = "a" ;
try {
Class <?>[] argTypes = new Class [] { };
Object [] args = null ;
Method meth = rcvr . getClass (). getMethod ( "hashCode" , argTypes );
Object ret = meth . invoke ( rcvr , args );
System . out . println ( ret );
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchMethodException |
SecurityException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
} catch ( IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException x ) {
x . printStackTrace ();
To get the Method object we want to use, we call getMethod() on the class object.
This will return a reference to a Method corresponding to a public method on the
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