Java Reference
In-Depth Information
InputStream in = conn . getInputStream ();
} catch ( IOException e ) {
// Handle exception
HTTP defines “request methods,” which are the operations that a client can make
on a remote resource. These methods are called:
d O
Each has slightly different usages, for example:
• GET should only be used to retrieve a document and NEVER should perform
any side effects.
• HEAD is equivalent to GET except the body is not returned—useful if a pro‐
gram wants to quickly check whether a URL has changed.
• POST is used when we want to send data to a server for processing.
By default, Java always uses GET, but it does provide a way to use other methods for
building more complex applications; however, doing so is a bit involved. In this next
example, we're using the search function provided by the BBC website to search for
news articles about Java:
URL url = new URL ( "" );
String rawData = "q=java" ;
String encodedData = URLEncoder . encode ( rawData , "ASCII" );
String contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ;
HttpURLConnection conn = ( HttpURLConnection ) url . openConnection ();
conn . setInstanceFollowRedirects ( false );
conn . setRequestMethod ( "POST" );
conn . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Type" , contentType );
conn . setRequestProperty ( "Content-Length" ,
String . valueOf ( encodedData . length ()));
conn . setDoOutput ( true );
OutputStream os = conn . getOutputStream ();
os . write ( encodedData . getBytes () );
int response = conn . getResponseCode ();
if ( response == HttpURLConnection . HTTP_MOVED_PERM
|| response == HttpURLConnection . HTTP_MOVED_TEMP ) {
System . out . println ( "Moved to: " + conn . getHeaderField ( "Location" ));
} else {
try ( InputStream in = conn . getInputStream ()) {
Files . copy ( in , Paths . get ( "bbc.txt" ),
StandardCopyOption . REPLACE_EXISTING );
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