Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Future < Integer > result = channel . read ( buffer , 0 );
while (! result . isDone ()) {
// Do some other useful work....
System . out . println ( "Bytes read: " + result . get ());
Callback-Based Style
The callback style for asynchronous I/O is based on a CompletionHandler , which
defines two methods, completed() and failed() , that will be called back when the
operation either succeeds or fails.
This style is useful if you want immediate notification of events in asynchronous
I/O—for example, if there are a large number of I/O operations in flight, but failure
of any single operation is not necessarily fatal:
byte [] data = { 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 17 , 19 , 23 };
ByteBuffer buffy = ByteBuffer . wrap ( data );
CompletionHandler < Integer , Object > h =
new CompletionHandler () {
public void completed ( Integer written , Object o ) {
System . out . println ( "Bytes written: " + written );
public void failed ( Throwable x , Object o ) {
System . out . println ( "Asynch write failed: " + x . getMessage ());
try ( AsynchronousFileChannel channel =
AsynchronousFileChannel . open ( Paths . get ( "primes.txt" ),
StandardOpenOption . CREATE , StandardOpenOption . WRITE )) {
channel . write ( buffy , 0 , null , h );
Thread . sleep ( 1000 ); // Needed so we don't exit too quickly
The AsynchronousFileChannel object is associated with a background thread pool,
so that the I/O operation proceeds, while the original thread can get on with other
By default, this uses a managed thread pool that is provided by the runtime. If
required, it can be created to use a thread pool that is managed by the application
(via an overloaded form of ), but this is not
often necessary.
Finally, for completeness, let's touch upon NIO's support for multiplexed I/O. This
enables a single thread to manage multiple channels and to examine those channels
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