Java Reference
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// Finally, move the config file to its new home
f . renameTo ( new File ( configdir , ".config" ));
This shows some of the flexibility possible with the File class, but also demon‐
strates some of the problems with the abstraction. It is very general, and this
requires a lot of methods to interrogate a File object in order to determine what it
actually represents and its capabilities.
The File class has a very large number of methods on it, but some basic functional‐
ity (notably a way to read the contents of a file) is not, and never has been provided
Here's a quick summary of File methods:
// Permissions management
boolean canX = f . canExecute ();
boolean canR = f . canRead ();
boolean canW = f . canWrite ();
boolean ok ;
ok = f . setReadOnly ();
ok = f . setExecutable ( true );
ok = f . setReadable ( true );
ok = f . setWritable ( false );
// Different views of the file's name
File absF = f . getAbsoluteFile ();
File canF = f . getCanonicalFile ();
String absName = f . getAbsolutePath ();
String canName = f . getCanonicalPath ();
String name = f . getName ();
String pName = getParent ();
URI fileURI = f . toURI (); // Create URI for File path
// File metadata
boolean exists = f . exists ();
boolean isAbs = f . isAbsolute ();
boolean isDir = f . isDirectory ();
boolean isFile = f . isFile ();
boolean isHidden = f . isHidden ();
long modTime = f . lastModified (); // milliseconds since epoch
boolean updateOK = f . setLastModified ( updateTime ); // milliseconds
long fileLen = f . length ();
// File management operations
boolean renamed = f . renameTo ( destFile );
boolean deleted = f . delete ();
// Create won't overwrite existing file
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