Java Reference
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used to process larger collections in a naturally multithreaded way). In a similar way
to an Iterator , the Stream is used to take each item in turn.
As is usual for generic classes in Java, Stream is parameterized by a reference type.
However, in many cases, we actually want streams of primitive types, especially ints
and doubles. We cannot have Stream<int> , so instead in there
are special (nongeneric) classes such as IntStream and DoubleStream . These are
known as primitive specializations of the Stream class and have APIs that are very
similar to the general Stream methods, except that they use primitives where appro‐
For example, in the reduce() example, we're actually using primitive specialization
over most of the pipeline.
Lazy evaluation
In fact, streams are more general than iterators (or even collections), as streams do
not manage storage for data. In earlier versions of Java, there was always a presump‐
tion that all of the elements of a collection existed (usually in memory). It was possi‐
ble to work around this in a limited way by insisting on the use of iterators every‐
where, and by having the iterators construct elements on the fly. However, this was
neither very convenient or that common.
By contrast, streams are an abstraction for managing data, rather than being con‐
cerned with the details of storage. This makes it possible to handle more subtle data
structures than just finite collections. For example, infinite streams can easily be
represented by the Stream interface, and can be used as a way to, for example, han‐
dle the set of all square numbers. Let's see how we could accomplish this using a
Stream :
public class SquareGenerator implements IntSupplier {
private int current = 1 ;
public synchronized int getAsInt () {
int thisResult = current * current ;
current ++;
return thisResult ;
IntStream squares = IntStream . generate ( new SquareGenerator ());
PrimitiveIterator . OfInt stepThrough = squares . iterator ();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++) {
System . out . println ( stepThrough . nextInt ());
System . out . println ( "First iterator done..." );
// We can go on as long as we like...
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++) {
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