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Removing elements from queues
In addition to the Collection.remove() method, which removes a specified
element from the queue, the Queue interface defines a no-argument version of
remove() that removes and returns the element at the head of the queue. If the
queue is empty, this method throws a NoSuchElementException .
This Queue method removes and returns the element at the head of the queue,
like remove() does but returns null if the queue is empty instead of throwing
an exception.
BlockingQueue defines a timeout version of poll() that waits up to a specified
amount of time for an element to be added to an empty queue.
This BlockingQueue method removes and returns the element at the head of
the queue. If the queue is empty, it blocks until some other thread adds an ele‐
ment to the queue.
This BlockingQueue method removes all available elements from the queue
and adds them to a specified Collection . It does not block to wait for elements
to be added to the queue. A variant of the method accepts a maximum number
of elements to drain.
In this context, querying refers to examining the element at the head without
removing it from the queue.
This Queue method returns the element at the head of the queue but does not
remove that element from the queue. If the queue is empty, it throws NoSuchE
lementException .
This Queue method is like element but returns null if the queue is empty.
When using queues, it is usually a good idea to pick one par‐
ticular style of how to deal with a failure. For example, if you
want operations to block until they succeed, then choose
put() and take() . If you want to examine the return code of a
method to see if the queue operation suceeded, then offer()
and poll() are an appropriate choice.
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